Laura Riveros

General Listening Quizzes

I share my contribution to the collaborative work, I select the theme of "general listening quizzes" I share the activities that I chose, for my part I made them based on audios and videos from the internet, because due to a recent operation I can not force my voice and I could not record it that way (as I would have preferred) but I did these listening exercises, these are developed in the google forms as recommended by my partner and I share them, they are in three levels depending on the capacity of each person would have preferred to do even more quizzes but it was impossible for me thanks in advance I share the links and I thank them for the attention and I would appreciate their contributions and comments to correct what they consider relevant

  • Easy
Listening Quiz I
Shrek 2 – arrow scene
Listening quiz II
Love – Nat king Cole
Listening Quiz III
Tangled – scene 
  • Medium
Listening quiz I
Bohemian Rhapsody- Queen

Listening quiz II
Matilda- School scene
  • Difficult
Listening quiz I
Mean girls – four way call
Listening quiz II
The big bang teory –  Game Night - Pictionary (Guys vs Girls)

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