Heidy Rincon

Listening Quizzes for Academic Purposes

Currently, technology has gained strength in learning processes, as it has become an ally in the acquisition of new knowledge, in our case allowing the student to have new experiences that will be significant for their academic process.

ICTs have also made people establish communities in which they can share interests, opinions, ideas and why not knowledge. (Mcloughlin & Lee, 2007) When using social networks and / or the different technological tools that exist for a specific content, site will be created that allow people to interact and be able to establish relationships with others.

This blog aims to motivate the visitor to practice their listening and comprehension skills with the help of different pages that offer diversity of resources to improve it; starting from the level of English in which it is.
The activities will be with different levels of difficulty, you should listen to different audios and then answer five questions related to the recording:

Level Medium
Family and social network
Introduction family members and friends
1.      Click in the link for listen the recording
2.      Click in the link for make the quiz

       1.      Click in the link for listen the recording about the family and social network

        Audio: Family and social network

       2.      Click in the link for make the questioner about the recording

Level Difficult
The weekend
Daily routine
1.      Click in the link for listen the recording
2.      Click in the link for make the quiz

         1.      Click in the link for listen the recording about the family and social network

         Audio: The weekend

         2.      Click in the link for make the questioner about the recording

         Quiz: Quiz Level Difficult -- Weekend

Level Very Difficult
Watch movies with friends
1.      Click in the link for listen the recording
2.      Click in the link for make the quiz

         1.      Click in the link for listen the recording about the family and social network

         Audio: Movies  

         2.      Click in the link for make the questioner about the recording

        Quiz: Quiz level Difficult -- Movies

These are some of the mobile applications that can be used as a strategy to continually practice and acquire more vocabulary: 

  •           Hello Talk
  •           Duolingo
  •           Beelinguapp
  •           Tandem
  •           Speaky

It is recommended to use YouTube as a tool to review, practice and improve any doubt you have these are some channels that can be very useful:

  1.           Learn English
  2.           Englishing.Net
  3.           British Council | LearnEnglish Teens

Try to write about your daily routine, your memories, your future plans, your social network and where do you like going to vacations?

Mcloughlin & Lee. (2007). Social software and participatory learning: pedagogical choices with technology affordances in the web 2.0 era. Singapore. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

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