Michael Tores

20-Minute ESL Vocabulary Lessons 

Language Learning
The technological development that the country has experienced. The management of ICT is fundamental in various productive and recreational activities. In this same way, the need to include the technologies of pedagogical practices has arisen, as part of the new teaching strategies. Thus, the use of technology in the teaching of languages ​​is an increasingly relevant factor in the Colombian educational reality. What is essential?
Simulated and that seek to delve into better theoretical and practical livelihoods that have a direct impact in the classroom.

To learn English. There are two main axes to work on: vocabulary and pronunciation and, therefore, the objective is to apply the best methods to learn in any of them. For example, reading and reading works to acquire vocabulary, in addition to expanding and developing. Critical view and encourages you to read more.
The current generation also offers excellent multimedia content, such as movies, television shows and the Internet, which are essential for developing pronunciation and vocabulary.

In this blog will show you the importance of acquiring good pronunciation and vocabulary,

      Ø  Pages where you can practice pronunciation

    1.      Spoken skills: one of the most complete pages to improve pronunciation in English, where you can record yourself and hear yourself and then you can compare it with the original.

      Ø  Ship or Sheep: You can hear comparisons of words that are similar but have subtle differences, especially diphthongs and vowel sounds. I recommend it for people who want to polish their pronunciation.

       Ø  http://www.shiporsheep.com/

    2.      YouGlish: Do you want to hear words in context watching videos? YouGlish provides you with thousands of Youtube videos with the keywords you type. You can choose three types of pronunciation: British, North American or Australian.

     3.      Forvo: Pronunciation dictionary is that users can include their own pronunciation so you can hear a word with many different accents pronounced by women and men from different countries.

       Ø  https://es.forvo.com/

These are some tips to help the pronunciation

       Ø  Learn to listen.
Before learning to speak, you have to learn to listen (although it is difficult to distinguish some sounds

      Ø   Pay attention to your language.
When speaking, you have to move your tongue to create the sounds

      Ø  Break the words into sounds.
Words are made of syllables. The parts of the words may be easier to pronounce than the whole.

      Ø  Accentuates sounds and words.
English is a language with a strong accent, which means that some words and sounds are more important than others.

       Ø  Record
One way to discover if your practices are producing results is to record with a camera


idiomasblendex. (s.f.). Obtenido de 5 APPS PARA MEJORAR LA PRONUNCIACIÓN EN INGLÉS: https://idiomasblendex.com/5-apps-para-mejorar-la-pronunciacion-en-ingles-2/
wallstreetenglish. (s.f.). Obtenido de Tips para mejorar tu pronunciación en inglés: https://www.wallstreetenglish.com.ar/blog/tips-para-mejorar-tu-pronunciacion-en-ingles


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